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Standard Specification for High-Strength Steel Castings in Heavy Sections

Versión: 18

$ 1,301

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Standard Specification for Castings, Nickel-Aluminum Ordered Alloy

Versión: 16(2020)

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Carbon, Metallic- and Nonmetallic-Coated for Cold-Formed Framing Members

Versión: 23e1

$ 1,301

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Standard Practice for Establishing Conformance to the Minimum Expected Corrosion Characteristics of Metallic, Painted-Metallic, and Nonmetallic-Coated Steel Sheet Intended for Use as Cold Formed Framing Members

Versión: 99(2018)

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Wire for Wire Rope

Versión: 22

$ 1,301

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Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, Required Hardness, Solution Hardened, and Bake Hardenable

Versión: 24

$ 1,424

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Standard Specification for Soft Magnetic MnZn Ferrite Core Materials for Transformer and Inductor Applications

Versión: 18(2024)e1

$ 1,259

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Standard Specification for Ferrochromium

Versión: 04(2019)

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for Higher-Strength Martensitic Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip

Versión: 24

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, and Ultra-High Strength

Versión: 23

$ 1,301

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Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic, Austenitic and Duplex Alloy Steel Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes With Integral Fins

Versión: 10(2021)

$ 1,135

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Standard Test Method for High-Frequency (10 kHz-1 MHz) Core Loss of Soft Magnetic Core Components at Controlled Temperatures Using the Voltmeter-Ammeter-Wattmeter Method

Versión: 00(2020)

$ 1,301

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Standard Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Bolting (UNS N07718) for High Temperature Service

Versión: 16(2021)

$ 1,135

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Standard Guide for Videoborescoping of Tubular Products for Sanitary Applications

Versión: 01(2024)

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for General Requirements for Ferritic Alloy Steel, Austenitic Alloy Steel, and Stainless Steel Tubes

Versión: 24a

$ 1,569

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Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten

Versión: 17(2024)

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy-Thickness Coils, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Commercial, Drawing, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, and Ultra-High Strength

Versión: 23a

$ 1,301

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Standard Specification for Ferrovanadium

Versión: 04(2019)

$ 1,135

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Standard Specification for Martensitic Stainless Steel Forgings and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service

Versión: 20

$ 1,301

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Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Stainless Steel Wire and Welded Wire for Concrete Reinforcement

Versión: 22a

$ 1,301

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